Whether it’s your spouse, friend, or family member, this is how to show up when someone is feeling down. by Steve…
While more men attend therapy than ever, it’s still a hard sell for many. Here, five once-reluctant men who decided to make the leap share their experience.
Published Sat, Jan 7 202310:09 AM ESTUpdated Sat, Jan 7 20235:47 PM EST Margot Machol Bisnow, Contributor Some parents…
Parenting is continuously evolving with time and it has never been more clear than if we look at Generation Z and their core values. The strategies our parents used are no longer valid and parents need to get with the times and adopt a better approach to raising kids.
Recently, my husband and I had a talk with our teen boys about phones. There was too much mindless scrolling going on, and we had an idea. What if, we said, you plug your phones in downstairs, in the basement? And when you need them, you go downstairs, do what you need to do, come back.
By teaching them how to play and offering a particular kind of emotional and
social support and dads are crucial to pave the way for kids’ friendships.
Listening is more than just paying attention. It’s about understanding the story being told.